Submit Review

Please submit your review of your recent project by Realisitic Home Improvements. Please ensure you enter your email details in order that we can clarify any details with you and confirm you are a customer.

Your email will not be shown on the reviewed or shared with any other parties. We will then approve your review and notify you once it has been posted

If you do not enter an email address you will not be notified of publication.

Alternatively, if you are experiencing any difficulties with your project or installation please contact our team for support on 01752 841008.

Thank you for submitting a review.

Our team will aim to review withing the next 5-7 days and either clarify any points with you, or put your review live.

Whatever is entered here will be displayed as part of your review. This is only for us to contact you with any queries. Do not enter your full address. This is to enable us to locate where the project was. This should be when the project was completed, e.g. Jan 2020